Category: C++
Oh, So There Are C++ Package Managers?
I know I have beaten this topic up a little bit in a previous post, but when coming from a language like Python, you really get comfortable with the idea of just using pip to install all of your modules. Need PyTorch? Just run pip install torch and you can use it as soon as…
CMake Prerequisite Knowledge for Developers Transitioning to C++
If you are like me and you come from coming to C++ from a background where you haven’t really used C++ before, the first thing you might notice is that dependency management is chaos. In Python, you just run pip install and in JavaScript you can simply use npm, and then (hopefully) it just works. …
Using YAML Files to Store Configurations for Your C++ ML Projects
Anyone who’s been in ML for a while has had the pleasure of setting up a model only to realize that model parameters need to be passed as flags, but oh wait, there are a million parameters that need setting. Soon after, you typically realize that you could just put all those parameters in a…