Categoría: Visión Por Computadora
PyTorch Lighting: Una Manera Fácil Para Organizar Tu Proyecto PyTorch
As an engineer in perception and computer vision, I tend to work with PyTorch a lot. It’s a very flexible framework and there are already many useful components built into it that prevent you from having to build it yourself. However, if you have already built a few projects with it, you might have noticed…
Como Empezar Aprendiendo SLAM Visual
If you are like me, you are probably fascinated by the idea of SLAM and since you are here reading Perception ML articles, you are probably even more excited about Visual SLAM. Along my path to become a better engineer, I have been doing some self-study about Visual SLAM.
La Razón Que Siempre Debes Visualizar Un Batch De Tu Data Loader
Here is one thing that every engineer working with AI hears at some point: Garbage In, Garbage Out However, despite that, something that I still see often enough in the Computer Vision industry and no doubt affects other machine learning disciplines as well is a complete lack of checking what is coming out of the…
Einops: Haciendo La Vida Mejor (Generalmente)
When working in PyTorch, you are often faced with the need to manipulate tensors of multiple dimensions into various shapes or maybe combine dimensions together. There’s a wealth of functions specifically for that too. To name a few, view, permutate, stack, tile, and concat are some of the most common ones, but the list goes…